Arsenault Monuments

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Kara Kilfoil announces Candidacy for Antigonish Town Council

Sep 4, 2024 | Local News

A local resident with a passion for education, arts, recreation and a lifetime commitment of volunteerism has announced her candidacy for Antigonish Town Council in October’s municipal election.

Kara Kilfoil, a native of Oyster Pond, has lived in Antigonish since 2020 and has a long connection to Antigonish. Kilfoil graduated from St. FX in 1998, her parents are both St. FX graduates, her great uncle Remi Chiasson raised his family on MacKinnon Street and her husband is the son of a Lanark physician.

Kilfoil is a professor in the St. FX English Department. Her husband’s career in the oil patch kept them in Alberta until 2020.

Kilfoil and her husband own a rental property in town and she says it gives her perspective on the complex aspect of a university town. She is also particularly keen on enagaging in further work that connects physical and mental health with the arts, particulartly for young mothers and youth who might not enroll in sports.

Arsenault Monuments
Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Arsenault Monuments
Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year