March Break Activities Planned in the Town of New Glasgow

March Break Activities Planned in the Town of New Glasgow

The Town of New Glasgow announced a list of activities taking place in the town for March Break. There is a free skate at the Pictou County Wellness Centre set for Monday, March 10, from 1-2 p.m., a free viewing of the Garfield movie at Glasgow Square Theatre on March...

Contests @ 989

989 X-FM St FX W-Women 7th player

St FX W-Women 7th Player

989 XFM Birthday Bash For Cash

Bash For Cash, enter to win. Once per household please.

989XFM - Nothing But Hits

Road Conditions links for Nova Scotia

Road Conditions can be found at the following links

NEW FACEBOOK PAGE titled “989 XFM Announcers”

Hi everyone, we’ve started a NEW “NON NEWS” Facebook page to continue giving you contest opportunities, and keep you up to date on community events, post pictures of those events, along with almost everything else we offered on our previous page

