A large crowd gathering for the 47th annual Provincial Seamen’s Memorial Service in Canso on

Flowers and wreaths on display at the seamen’s Memorial. (Canso Lions Club photo)
Area churches participated in the service, with Rev. Heather Manuel of St. Paul’s United Church reading the opening prayer. Gertie Grant and Betty Wheeler sang Sea People. 5th Canso Scouter Harold Roberts lowered the flag which was followed by a moment of silence for lost fishermen and women. Piper Sandra MacIsaac and Arid MacIsaac played a piper’s lament as the flags were raised as a special salute. The Honour Guard included members of the 5th Canso Scouts and the RCMP. Wreaths were also placed at the memorial.
Remarks from special guests included Cape Breton-Canso MP Mike Kelloway,who spoke about the Memorial Service and the importance of the fishery and the many fishing communities in his riding and his family ties with the fishery. Carla Cosgrove brought greeting from Guysborough-Tracadie MLA Greg Morrow, stressing the importance of the fishery in Nova Scotia and the significance of the Annual Provincial Seamen’s Memorial Service.
Deputy Warden Janet Peitzche from the Municipality of the District of Guysborough reflected on the importance of the fishery in Guysborough County and the history of Seamen’s Memorial Day and the many challenges facing the fishing industry. Deputy Warden James Fuller of the District of St. Mary’s touched on the numerous fishing communities he represented and the personal impact on families and friends who have lost loved ones.
Mayor Ron Chisholm brought greetings from the Town of Mulgrave. The common theme of the guest speakers focused on the dangers of the fishery and the contribution of fishermen and fisherwomen to their community.