Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Antigonish Highland Games Return

Jul 4, 2022 | Local News

The Antigonish Highland Games are back in-person.

 The Antigonish Highland Society operations manager Dan Cochrane said the organizers are happy to see the games make a return this year.

Yesterday saw the opening of the 157th Antigonish Highland Games Church service and events will run all week. Tonight with see the Ships of 1801 Society’s Keppoch election show,  with events continuing tomorrow with the Culloden Memorial Ceremony, the Clan Chisholm Dinner and Social, and the Ceilidh at the Legion. The annual Main Street Fair is set for Wednesday, followed by Ceilidh at the Keppoch in the evening.


Thursday will feature the Ceilidh at the Museum, and Gaelic language and traditions workshop. ON Friday, the Tir Nan Og Athletic events will run in the morning, followed by the 5 mile road race in the evening and the official opening of the games and a concert under the stars featuring a number of lcoal artists and dancers, and a Ceilidh.


The piping and drumming, and highland dancing events take place Saturday at Columbus field, as well as heaveyweight and tug-of-war events and an afternoon Ceilidh. That evening, Rawlins Cross will take to the stage for a Ceilidh pub.   

 Sunday will feature more piping, dancing, and heavyweight events, as well as a closing Ceilidh starting at 4 p.m..


Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year