During Monday’s regular monthly meeting of Antigonish Town Council, council heard

Antigonish County Warden Owen McCarron and Antigonish Town Mayor Laurie Boucher answer questions from media following the special council meetings held in October approving motions asking the province to consolidate the two units through special legislation (Ken Kingston photo)
correspondence from Nova Scotia Municipal Affairs and Housing minister John Lohr regarding the proposed consolidation of the town and county of Antigonish.
Back in October, Antigonish Town and Antigonish County Councils approved a motion to request the province consolidate the municipality of the County of Antigonish and the Town of Antigonish into one municipal unit through special legislation.
Following Monday’s council meeting, Antigonish Mayor Laurie Boucher said the town received the letter just before the Christmas break, noting the letter confirms the minister and department received the town and county’s request for special legislation to consolidate.
Boucher said it’s easy to go in front of a crowd and open skate parks and dog parks or give to charity. She said consolidation is a hard issue to tackle but she believes it was done in a transparent and collaborative way, adding the minister’s letter supports that.