Inverness MLA Allan MacMaster said a recently announced trail project will be on par with world

Pollett’s Cove (Hike Cape Breton photo)
renowned trails, like the West Coast trail on Vancouver Island and Big Sur in California.
On Monday, the provincial government announced $6.4 million in funding for the design and construction of the nearly 50-kilometre Seawall Trail, including huts and bridges, as well as marketing, communications and engagement with local Mi’kmaw communities in the traditional district of Unama’kik (Cape Breton).
The trail is located within the Polletts Cove-Aspy Fault Wilderness Area north of the Cabot Trail.
MacMaster called it a good investment, noting it is capitalizing on the rare beauty of the area and it is an investment that is going to last, noting it could be used hundreds of years from now.
A release from the government states the Municipality of the County of Inverness is leading the Seawall Trail project, while a project steering committee, co-chaired by the municipality and Seawall Trail Society, will provide guidance as the project progresses. The society was formed in 2014 to develop northern Cape Breton’s natural walking assets. MacMaster said some volunteers have been involved in the project for over 15 years.