Antigonish Town Councillor Mary Farrell has announced she will not be re-offering in next month’s municipal election.
Farrell says that while many have encouraged her to run again, she has decided to focus on new opportunties and challenges associated with her recently announced full-time position as St. Ninian’s Parish Coordinator. Farrell is completing her second four year term on council.
Farrell says she’s been honoured to serve the people of the town over the past eight years. Farrell says she’s had the opportunity to promote the economic and social vitality of the community in many ways, including work with the Strait of Canso Offshore Wind Task Force and the Eastern District Planning Commission.
Farrell says her work with the Alternative Resource Energy Authority Board this last term was particularly significant as it aimed at setting a realistic path towards net zero in the supply and end user sides of electrical power.
She’s also especially proud of the accomplishments of the Accessibility Plan and hosting the 2018 Special Olympics Canada National Summer Games.