Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Federal Government Announces Funding to Upgrade Commercial Cable Building Property and Canso Waterfront

Nov 29, 2022 | Local News

The federal government kicked in funds to upgrade tourism infrastructure in Canso.

Built in 1884, the Commercial Cable Company building in Hazel Hill, near Canso, was torn down in 2017. (ACOA photo)

Earlier today, Cape Breton Canso MP Mike Kelloway announced a non-repayable contribution of $490,000, through ACOA’s Innovative Communities Fund, to the Municipality of the District of Guysborough. Kelloway made the announcement on behalf of the Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Official Languages and Minister responsible for ACOA.

The funding will help the municipality upgrade tourism infrastructure at the historic Commercial Cable building site in Hazel Hill. The building was torn down in 2017, leaving massive granite foundation stones. Improvements to the site will include stabilization of the foundation, the addition of railings, decking and lighting, landscaping, and

The Canso waterfront trail. (ACOA photo)

interpretation panels.

The investment will also support enhancements to the Canso waterfront, including lighting upgrades to the Harbourfront Trail, the addition of a small bandstand, three waterfront kiosks and accessible washroom facilities, as well as the expansion of the boardwalk.


Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year