The Nova Scotia government released its green hydrogen action plan today.
A new action plan will help grow Nova Scotia’s green hydrogen industry and advance the transition to clean energy.
A release from the province states the green hydrogen action plan will help develop the sector in alignment with the Province’s climate change goals by supporting both domestic use and export of green hydrogen. The release states the plan is focused on safety, a strong and skilled workforce, research and innovation, and opportunities for public engagement.
Premier Tim Houston said green hydrogen is important in helping the province transition away from fossil fuel fuels and has incredible potential from Nova Scotia’s economy. He also said the plan helps position Nova Scotia to be a world leader in the production of green hydrogen.
The plan includes seven goals and 23 actions. It has received the thumbs up from Richmond Warden Amanda Mombourquette and Port Hawkesbury Mayor Brenda Chisholm-Beaton, who serve as co-chairs of the Strait of Canso Offshore Wind Taskforce.