The Department of Public works released its five year highway improvement plan, which sees $450 million invested in 2023-24 in roadwork and major projects already underway. The Province is also committing $583 million for six new major construction projects, to be constructed between 2025 and 2030.
The new major construction projects include Highway 104, twinning between Taylors Road and Paqtnkek in Antigonish County.
The Five Year Highway Improvement Plan outlines major highway and road projects, repaving, major bridge replacements, capital maintenance and infrastructure work.
Eight major construction projects will continue in 2023-24 with a focus on twinning portions of highways 101, 103, 104 and Highway 107’s four-lane Sackville-Bedford-Burnside Connector. The plan stated the department continues to advance its plan to twin highways at four locations around the province including Highway 104 between Sutherlands River and Antigonish.
Major projects for 2023-24 include the Antigonish Active transportation Corridor conversion, the Auld`s Cove Intersection realignment, and the Port Hastings rotary upgrades, all of which are multi- year projects.
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