Richmond County is rezoning properties in Point Tupper to pave the way for new green energy projects.
At last night’s regular monthly meeting in Arichat, Richmond Municipal Council approved recommendations from its Planning Advisory/Heritage Committee regarding industrial zones.
The recommendations, which came from the Eastern District Planning Commission, called for amendments to the West Richmond Plan Area Municipal Strategy and Land Use Bylaw to allow for the creation of a new Heavy Industrial Restricted zone which allows a limited number of industrial uses, including green energy facilities, and provides protection for the Landrie Lake water supply area.
The changes allow for a property in Point Tupper to be rezoned concurrently from the Light Industrial Zone to the Heavy Industrial Restricted Zone.
With the amendments, green energy facilities will be defined in the land use bylaw.
The changes also allow the removal of single unit dwellings in the Heavy Industrial Restricted Zone.
Council will give first reading of the amendments and set a date for a public meeting.