Although they approved a new code of conduct policy, Richmond Municipal Council is considering a small change.
Rather than appoint the municipal solicitor as a permanent investigator when a complaint is lodged against a councillor, during last night’s regular monthly meeting in Arichat, council decided to make it an interim position pending more information.
The new code is modeled after changes to the Municipal Government Act and establishes a process for investigating complaints.
District 4 Councillor Amanda Mombourquette had council agree to a transparent process looking at other candidates with various skill sets before deciding on a permanent investigator.
Warden Lois Landry said she also has concerns with the cost of having legal counsel investigate versus someone trained in Human Resources.
In voicing her concerns about the overall code, Mombourquette called the new measures punitive instead of restorative. She also had questions about the appeal process at the start of an investigation and said the duty to report could make for a complicated process.
Noting that the new code is a living document, Mombourquette said the provincial government could consider tweaks.
Noting that the deadline to adopt the new code is Dec. 19, Landry said the policy sets some standards for infractions by councillors.
Landry added that council will revisit the matter at its Dec. 16 regular monthly meeting.