Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Special Olympics Nova Scotia Games in Antigonish Declared a Success

Jul 21, 2022 | Local News

Special Olympics Nova Scotia CEO Mike Greek said the summer games held last weekend in

Women’s 100 metres at the Special Olympics Games in Nova Scotia. (photo by Ken Kingston_

Antigonish were a big success on all accounts, with even the weather cooperating. On top of the 600 or so athletes and 200 support staff, around 300 volunteers helped make the weekend run smoothly.

Greek said the success of the summer games helped revitalize the organization, the volunteers, and athletes across the province. He said they aren’t back to the numbers they had pre-pandemic, but the games were a big step forward in that the organizers know the excitement around the games will help boost those numbers not only just back to where they were but also grow them further.

Greek also thanked all of the volunteers who came out to help make the games happen, noting it made all of the difference. He said teams and athletes were constantly commenting on how impressed they were over the weekend.

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year