Arsenault Monuments

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Strang Urges Caution as the Nova Scotia Economy Reopens

Jun 10, 2020 | Local News

Even with a drop in COVID-19 cases lately, the province’s chief medical health officer cautioned

Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s Chief Medical Officer of Health (Government of Nova Scotia photo)

against reading too much into a single day or even a few days.  On Tuesday, the province reported one death and one new case of COVID-19.

With the province registered low to no cases of COVID-19 for a number of days in the past week, Dr. Robert Strang said the news continues to be good. With that said, Strang said medical professionals have to look at the epidemiology for a minimum of two weeks to understand any one situation.



With things opening up on the businesses side, said Strang, there is some increased risk of

Premier Stephen McNeil (Government of Nova Scotia photo)

Covid 19 recurring. He said there were single cases on consecutive weekends where the province is not clear on where the person would have been exposed and they have to conclude there was some unknown exposure in the community.

With some signs of community transmission in the recent past, Strang said this emphasizes the need to take a cautious approach. He said they are working on plans to present to the premier about what, if the current epidemiology is sustained, the next step in the recovery could be. He said they hoping things will go well and they will be able to have a further opening as we hit the end of June-early July.

Premier Stephen McNeil congratulated all Nova Scotia businesses that opened their doors on Friday to welcome customers. He thanked the businesses and the customers who patronized those businesses. By all accounts, he said, the first step in reopening went well with people staying safe and following protocols.

McNeil said he understands it’s not an easy time for the business community with not being able to reach full capacity.

The premier said the goal is to continue to open up but it will depend on how well people manage this stage. He said it’s never been more important in the province to buy from and support local business.


Arsenault Monuments
Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Arsenault Monuments
Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year