The suspension of a local lawyer has been delayed.
The Nova Scotia Barrister’s Society Web site states the hearing panel of the society announced the one year suspension of lawyer Adam Rodgers back in March. The suspension was to commence on July 1. Following an application from Rodgers, stated the site, the panel decided the suspension will run from October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022.
Under the new suspension, Rodgers is set to continue to adhere to the practice conditions and restrictions that were put in place by the Complaints Investigation Committee. Subject to the terms of this resolution, the Legal Profession Act, and the Regulations, upon the completion of the period of suspension, Rodgers may return to practice without conditions or restrictions, stated the site.
The society found Rodgers guilty of professional misconduct in January.
The charge stems from the collapse of his law firm, Boudrot-Rodgers in Port Hawkesbury in 2018.
Rodgers alleged his partner Jason Boudrot misappropriated money from trust funds belonging to clients of their firm. Boudrot later reached a settlement agreement with the Society and agreed to be disbarred but did not admit guilt.
Rodgers had faced three charges of professional misconduct and incompetence from the society. The society says he should have noticed what his partner was doing and stopped it. The panel found two of the more serious charges against Rodgers were not supported.
The panel says Rodgers did not deliberately nor actively misappropriate funds or assist Boudrot in doing so. The panel added it is satisfied the society demonstrated it is more probably than not that Rodgers aided Boudrot through his willful blindness and recklessness and thereby failed to preserve and protect clients’ property.
Rodgers must also pay for the cost of the investigation and proceedings in the amount of $12,000.00