Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Work Continues on Repairing the College Street Bridge in Antigonish

Oct 8, 2024 | Local News

During Monday’s regular meeting, Antigonish Town Council received an update on the work underway at the College Street Bridge.

College Street Bridge (Ken Kingston photo)

Antigonish Mayor Laurie Boucher said cement pours were done to help stabilize the bridge, and work is now being done on stabilizing the deck. She said the next important step will be to replace the sidewalk, adding staff are working with a contractor to determine that process and the cost.


She said the goal is to have the bridge open to at least one way vehicular traffic and pedestrians this month, and open to two way traffic next month.

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year

Canadian Radio Awards: 989 XFM Small Market Station of The Year